Instructions to Authors

제 정 : 2006년 9월 1일
개 정 : 2008년 9월 5일
개 정 : 2014년 9월 3일
개 정 : 2017년 12월 15일
개 정 : 2019년 12월 06일
개 정 : 2021년 03월 12일
제 1 조 (목적)

본 규정은 한국로봇학회 (이하 “학회”)가 발행하는 로봇학회 논문지 (이하 “논문지”)의 논문 투고에 관한 사항을 규정함을 목적으로 한다.

제 2 조 (투고자격)

논문집에 투고하고자 하는 자는 한국로봇학회 회원임을 원칙으로 한다. 단, 본 학회의 편집위원회에서 특별히 인정한 자는 예외로 한다.

제 3 조 (책임)

논문 내용에 대한 책임은 저자에게 있으며, 국내외 타 논문지 및 학술지 등에 게재되었던 논문은 투고할 수 없다.

제 4 조 (논문의 종류)

논문의 종류는 다음과 같다.

  • 1. 학술논문 (6페이지 이상)로봇공학 또는 로봇관련 학문의 발전에 학술적으로 기여할 수 있는 논문을 대상으로 한다.
  • 2. 기술논문 (4페이지 이상)로봇분야에서 결과의 유용성에 중점을 둔 논문을 대상으로 한다. 로봇의 설계, 제작 및 활용이나 시스템통합, 융복합적 응용, 산업적 활용 등 로봇응용에 기여할 수 있는 논문을 대상으로 한다.
  • 3. 창의논문 (4페이지 이상)로봇분야에서 기술의 신규성과 창의성에 중점을 둔 논문을 대상으로 한다. 기존에 없던 새로운 아이디어나 신기술의 제안을 통하여 기여할 수 있는 논문을 대상으로 한다.
  • 4. 비디오논문 (2페이지 이내)학술, 기술, 창의적 발견을 비디오 형식을 통하여 공유할 수 있는 논문을 대상으로 한다.
  • 제 5 조 (작성)

    논문은 편집위원회에서 정한 논문양식 (PDF 또는 MS-word)대로 작성하여 제출하는 것을 원칙으로 한다. 필요에 따라 동영상을 추가로 첨부할 수 있다. 단, 비디오논문의 경우, 2페이지 extended abstract과 50MB 이내 mp4, mpg, wmv 형식의 3분 동영상 파일을 작성하여 제출한다.

    제 6 조 (투고일)

    논문은 수시로 투고가능하며 논문의 접수일은 그 논문이 학회에 온라인 투고(업로드)된 일자로 한다.

    제 7 조 (접수)

    편집위원회에서 정한 논문 투고 규정에 위배되는 논문은 접수하지 아니할 수 있다.

    제 8 조 (채택)

    논문의 채택여부는 편집위원회에서 정한 소정의 심사과정을 거쳐 결정하되 논문의 부분적 수정 또는 보완을 요구할 수 있다.

    제 9 조 (재심)

    심사위원회 위원의 명단은 공개되지 않으며 저자의 재심요구는 원칙적으로 허용되지 않는다.

    제 10 조 (반환)

    접수된 논문은 반환하지 않는다.

    제 11 조 (최종본)

    논문이 채택되어 게재가 확정되면 저자는 편집위원회에서 정한 논문양식 (MS-word)의 양식에 맞추어 최종 논문을 제출해야 한다.

    제 12 조 (논문작성)
    1. 1. 원고는 한글 또는 영문으로 작성한다. (단, 논문 제목, 저자 성명은 한글과 영문을 병기해야 하며 초록, 키워드, 참고문헌, 그림과 표의 설명은 영문으로만 작성한다.)
    2. 2. 영문 성명은 이름을 먼저 쓰고 성은 뒤로 쓰며 (Gil-Dong Hong, Mong-Reong Lee), 교신 저자의 경우 †기호를 사용한다. 모든 저자는 각주로 소속기관 직위, 소속기관명, 이메일을 영문으로 표기한다. 단, 논문 저자가 현재 소속이 없는 미성년자의 경우 최종 소속, 직위, 재학년도를 제출하여야 한다. (†Corresponding author: Professor, Mechanical Engineering, Munhwa University, Bangbae-Dong, Seocho-Gu, Seoul, Korea (
    3. 3. 초록은 영문 850-1250단어(띄어쓰기 포함) 이내로 작성하며 참고문헌 인용은 허용되지 않는다. 연구동기(motivation), 기여도(contribution), 독창성(originality), 연구방법과 의의(specific methods and lessons), 결과(quantitative results) 내용을 초록에 기술한다.
    4. 4. 참고문헌은 본문에 인용순서 대로 기재하되 IEEE Article Template 표기 방법을 따른다. 기재 방법은 아래 예와 같이 표기한다. 주의 하여야 할 점은 books, reports, journals, handbooks, conferences, computer program, patents, and standards의 표기의 경우 이탤릭체를 사용한다. 저자명의 경우 이름은 이니셜을 사용할 수 있으나, 성은 전체 성을 표기한다. 또한, 저자 모두의 이름을 적는다. 본문에서 문장 중에 참고문헌 번호를 참조할 경우 ‘[번호]’ 형태를 사용한다.
    5. Basic format for books:
      [1]A. B. Authors, “Title of chapter,” in Title of book, xth ed. Publisher, year, ch. x, sec. x, pp. xxx-xxx.
      [2]A. B. authors, year, month, day, Title (edition) [Online]. Available:

      Basic format for Journals:
      [1]A. B. Authors, “Title of paper,” Title of Journals, vol. x, no. x, pp. xxx-xxx, month, year.
      [2]A. B. Authors, “Title of paper,” Title of Journals, [Online], vol. x, no. x, pp.
      xxx-xxx, DOI. Available:

      Basic format for reports
      [1]A. B. Authors, “Title of report,” Title of Affiliation, City of Affiliation, Country of Affiliation, Rep. xxx, month, year.
      [2]A. B. Authors, “Title of report,” Title of Affiliation, City of Affiliation, Country of Affiliation, [Online],

      Basic format for handbook
      [1]Name of Handbook, x ed., Name of Company, City of Company, Country of Company, year, pp. xxx-xxx.
      [2]Name of Handbook, x ed., Name of Company, City of Company, Country of Company, [Online], http//

      Basic format for conference proceedings
      [1]A. B. Authors, “Title of paper,” in name of conference, City, Country, pp. xxx-xxx, year.

      Basic format for patents
      [1]A. B. Authors, “Title of patent,” Country Patent x-xxx-xxx, month, day, year.

      Basic format for theses and dissertations
      [1]A. B. authors, “Title of thesis,” M.S thesis or Ph.D. dissertation, affiliation, city of affiliation, country of affiliation, year.

      Basic format for standards
      [1]Title of Standard, Standard number, date.

      Basic format for webpages
      [1]A. B. authors, Title of webpages, [Online], http://hyperlink, Accessed: date
      [2]Journal of Korea Robot Society, Instructions for Authors, [Online],, Accessed:December 20, 2016

    6. 5. 비디오파일은 제목, 저자 소속으로 시작과 마무리하고, 연구가설, 시뮬레이션, 실험 고찰 등을 자유형식으로 작성한다. 또한 음성 나래이션 혹은 자막으로 연구내용을 설명할 수 있다.
    7. 6. 그 외 상세한 논문 작성법은 논문 템플릿에 명시된 내용을 따른다.
    제 13조 (저작권)

    채택된 논문에 관련된 일체의 저작권(Copyright)은 본 학회에 귀속되고 인터넷상에서 데이터베이스화하여 이를 불특정 다수에게 공개함을 동의하는 것으로 간주하며 저자는 다음의 권리를 유지한다.

    1. 1. 저자는 논문의 일부를 다른 논문에 사용할 수 있다.
    2. 2. 저자 혹은 저자의 소속기관은 상업적인 목적이 아닌 경우, 저자 개인용도 혹은 소속기관 내부 용도로 재인쇄할 수 있다.
    3. 3. 논문이 대한민국 정부 혹은 기타 기관의 지원에 의한 연구결과인 경우 학회는 정부 혹은 기타 기관이 무상으로 학회에 저작권을 이양한 것으로 간주한다.
    4. 4. 비디오파일은 타 저널, 학회, 미디어에 공식적으로 공개된 적이 없는 순수 창작물이어야 하며, 저작권은 본 학회에 귀속된다.
    제 14조 (공개)

    저자가 논문을 제출할 경우, 제출된 논문은 논문 심사위원들에게 심사 목적으로 공개되는 것에 대하여 동의를 한 것으로 간주한다.(논문제출-심사완료 시점까지)

    제 15조 (게재료)

    채택된 논문의 투고자는 편집위원회에서 정한 소정의 게재료를 납부하여야 한다.

    구분 게재료(페이지당) 심사소요 기간
    긴급 60,000원 7페이지부터 페이지당 80,000원 3~4주
    일반 30,000원 7페이지부터 페이지당 50,000원 6~7주
    추천 30,000원 7페이지부터 페이지당 50,000원 6~7주
    제 16조 (심사료)

    본 학회 편집위원회의 결정이 없는 한 논문 투고자는 심사료를 별도로 납부하지 아니한다.

    제 17조 (저자정보)

    논문 투고자는 논문제출시 학회에서 정한 양식에 따라 저자정보를 포함한 제출문(커버레터) 1부를 제출한다.

    제 18조 (게재)

    채택된 논문은 확정된 순서대로 게재함을 원칙으로 하되, 편집위원회의 결정에 따라 변경될 수 있다.

    제 19조 (별쇄본)

    논문지에 게재된 논문에 대한 별쇄본은 제공하지 않는 것을 원칙으로 한다. 단, 저자가 별쇄본 수령을 원할 경우 최종 논문 제출 시 별쇄본을 요구해야하며, 이 경우에 한하여 별쇄본 20부를 무료로 제공하되, 20부 이상을 요구할 경우에는 추가로 소요되는 비용을 실비로 납부하여야 한다.

    제 20조 (젠더혁신정책)

    연구가 인간 피험자에게 사용되거나 남녀 모두에게 적용되는 경우, 성 또는 젠더로 인해 사용 또는 적용 가능성에 차이가 예상되는 경우 논문에서 이를 어떻게 고려했는지를 제시하고, 연구에서 성별(성 또는 젠더, 성과 젠더) 특성이 고려되지 않은 경우 타당한 근거를 제시하여야 한다.

    제 21조 (부칙)

    본 규정에서 정하지 않은 사항은 본 학회 편집위원회에서 정한 바에 따른다.

    제 22조 (시행일)

    본 규정은 2021년 03월 12일 자로 시행한다.

    The Journal of Korea Robotics Society Submission Regulations
    Enacted: September 1, 2006
    Revised: September 5, 2008
    Revised: September 3, 2014
    Revised: December 15, 2017
    Revised: December 6, 2019
    Revised: March 12 2021

    Article 1 (Purpose)

    The purpose of these regulations is to present provisions regarding the ethical submission of papers to The Journal of Korea Robotics Society (referred to as the “Journal” hereafter) published by the Korea Robotics Society (referred to as the “Society” hereafter).

    Article 2 (Credentials of Submitter)

    It is a rule that a paper submitter must be a member of the Korea Robotics Society. With the explicit approval of the Editorial Board of the Society, a nonmember may submit a paper for publication.

    Article 3 (Responsibility)

    Authors must present their original work with genuine data and an objective discussion of its significance. It is primarily authors’ responsibility to the submittal pertaining to the scientific integrity. Authorship must include and be strictly limited to researchers who have substantially contributed to the reported work. Any paper that was previously submitted to another domestic or foreign publication may not be submitted to this journal. The authors should reveal to the editor any potential conflict of interest regarding the funded research, e.g., a consulting or financial interest in a company that might be affected by publication of the results contained in a manuscript. If authors find inaccuracies after publication of their paper, they need to promptly communicate to the editors of this journal regarding the matter so that appropriate actions can be taken; Authors can publish an addendum or an article version of correction note, or retract the original work. Specific cases are given as follows.

    1. Addenda:
    If crucial results were unintentionally omitted from the original publication, the original article can be amended through an Addendum reporting these previously omitted results. The Addendum will be published, with page numbers added, in the current issue of the journal.

    2. Corrections
    Before issue release: prior to issue release, corrections are directly made to the original, published version of the article on the journal’s website. A note will also be added to the Article Versions Notes and to the abstract page, which tells the reader that an updated version was uploaded. The original version is preserved and will remain accessible on the journal’s homepage.
    After issue release: any corrections to published articles have to be published, with page numbers added, in a separate Correction notice in the current issue of the journal.

    3. Retractions
    Sometimes, an article may present results or contents that are incorrect, misrepresented, carelessly prepared, intentionally falsified or plagiarized. Such articles threaten the integrity of scientific records and need to be retracted. When editors are alerted of possible scientific misconduct, the editorial office and the editor-in-chief will organize a careful investigation with authors, editorial board members, institute authorities or other parties (as appropriate), and will make a decision on a possible Retraction of the original publication. If a Retraction is published, it will officially replace the original publication on the website. The original publication is amended with a “RETRACTED” watermark, but will still available on the journal’s website for future reference. However, retracted articles should not be cited and used for further research. The Retraction is published, with page numbers added, as a separate item in the current issue of the journal, so that after issue release, the Retraction can be picked up by indexing &abstracting services.
    Partial Retractions might be published in cases where results are only partially wrong. Comments and Replies Comments are short letters to the editors from readers questioning either the results reported or the experimental methods used in a specific article. Usually, a reader will approach the Editorial Office or the Editor-in-Chief of a journal, if he/she finds an article intriguing. In such circumstances, the Editorial Office may invite the reader to write a short and reasoned Comment on the article. After consideration and review by the Editorial Office, the Comment may be published, in which case the Editorial Office will approach the authors of the article in question and invite them to prepare a Reply. If the reader’s complaints are substantiated, the authors or the Editorial Office may consequently publish a Correction or retract the paper entirely.

    Article 4 (Types of Papers)

    The types of papers included in this journal are as follows:
    1. Academic Paper (6 pages or more): A paper that contributes to the academic progress in the field of robotics or a related field.

    2. Technical Paper (4 pages or more): A paper that is focused on the applicability of the result in the robotics field. A technical paper might include but is not limited to the topics of robot design, production, application, system integration, technology fusion, complex systems or industrial applications.

    3. Creative Paper (4 pages or more): A paper that is focused on novelty and the creation of new technology. Such creative papers contribute new ideas and propose new technologies to the field of robotics.

    4. Video Paper (up to 2 page): A paper that is shared with academic, technical and creative findings to the robotics field via a video file format.

    Article 5 (Manuscript Format)

    Manuscripts must follow the layout designated by the Board and must be submitted in one of the designated file formats (PDF or MS Word). If necessary, a video may be included in support of the written submission.
    2-page extended abstract and 3-minute mp4, mpg, or wmv video file must be submitted for video papers.

    Article 6 (Date of Submission)

    Papers can be submitted frequently. The date of submission is the date on which the paper was submitted online (uploaded) to the Society.

    Article 7 (Acceptance)

    Manuscripts not following the submission guidelines may not be accepted.

    Article 8 (Selection)

    A submitted manuscript is selected after passing the outlined review process established by the Board. After reviewing, the Board may request a partial revision or supplemental material from the author.

    Article 9 (Appeal)

    The list of members on the reviewing committee is not made public. Appealing a decision of the reviewing committee is not permitted.

    Article 10 (Restitution)

    Submitted manuscripts will not be returned to the submitter.

    Article 11 (Final Draft)

    When a manuscript is selected for publication, the author is required to submit the final draft in a file format designated by the Board (MS Word).

    Article 12 (Manuscript Preparation)

    1. Manuscripts can be written in either Korean or English. The title of the manuscript and the name of the author should be written in both Korean and English, while the abstract, keywords, references, figures and charts should be written in English only.

    2. When writing names in English, the given name comes first and the surname follows (e.g., Gil-Dong Hong, Mong-Reong Lee). A corresponding author marks using the † symbol. All authors’ affiliation, its position, and email addresses are stated as a footnote. Minors who do not belong to any affiliations must submit a certificate of the received highest level of schooling including personal information such as a name of school, grade, and/or proof of enrolment year. (e.g., † Name of Corresponding Author: Professor, Mechanical Engineering, Munhwa University, Bangbae-Dong, Seocho-Gu, Seoul, Korea (

    3. Abstracts must be written in English with more than 850 and less than 1250 characters including space in a single paragraph. No reference citation is allowed in the abstract. The abstract should describe the work done by the authors emphasizing motivation, contribution, originality, specific method, lessons, and quantitative results.

    4. References are listed in the order in which they are referenced in the paper according to the IEEE Article Template. Please see the following example references. Italics are used in the case of books, reports, journals, handbooks, conferences, computer programs, patents, and standards. The author’s last name must be spelled fully and use an initial for the first and middle names. If you refer to a reference number in the text, use '[number]'.

    Basic format for books:
    [1]A. B. Authors, “Title of chapter,” in Title of book, xth ed. Publisher, year, ch. x, sec. x, pp. xxx-xxx.
    [2]A. B. authors, year, month, day, Title (edition) [Online]. Available:

    Basic format for Journals:
    [1]A. B. Authors, “Title of paper,” Title of Journals, vol. x, no. x, pp. xxx-xxx, month, year.
    [2]A. B. Authors, “Title of paper,” Title of Journals, [Online], vol. x, no. x, pp. xxx-xxx, DOI. Available:

    Basic format for reports
    [1]A. B. Authors, “Title of report,” Title of Affiliation, City of Affiliation, Country of Affiliation, Rep. xxx, month, year.
    [2]A. B. Authors, “Title of report,” Title of Affiliation, City of Affiliation, Country of Affiliation, [Online],

    Basic format for handbook
    [1]Name of Handbook, x ed., Name of Company, City of Company, Country of Company, year, pp. xxx-xxx.
    [2]Name of Handbook, x ed., Name of Company, City of Company, Country of Company, [Online], http//

    Basic format for conference proceedings
    [1]A. B. Authors, “Title of paper,” in name of conference, City, Country, pp. xxx-xxx, year.

    Basic format for patents
    [1]A. B. Authors, “Title of patent,” Country Patent x-xxx-xxx, month, day, year.

    Basic format for theses and dissertations
    [1]A. B. authors, “Title of thesis,” M.S thesis or Ph.D. dissertation, affiliation, city of affiliation, country of affiliation, year.

    Basic format for standards
    [1]Title of Standard, Standard number, date.

    Basic format for webpages
    [1]A. B. authors, Title of webpages, [Online], http://hyperlink, Accessed: date
    [2]Journal of Korea Robot Society, Instructions for Authors, [Online],, Accessed: December 20, 2016

    5. A video file start with a paper title and the authors' information. It can contain of a research hypothesis, a simulation, an experimental study etc. without any formality. In addition, authors can explain their research with a narration or subtitles.

    6. To detailed instruction, please refer to the paper template.

    Article 13 (Copyright)

    Copyright of selected papers belongs to the Society. When submitting, the author agrees to the display and distribution of the submitted paper on the online database with unspecified individuals. The author shall retain the following rights:

    1. The author can reuse portions of the paper in other work.

    2. The author and/or the author’s affiliated organization can reprint the paper for non-commercial or personal purposes.3. In the case of a paper being the result of research supported by the Republic of Korea’s government or another organization, it is considered that the government or other funding organization transfers the copyright to the Society free of charge upon submission.
    4. Video files must be original creations that have never been officially published in other journals, societies, or media. Copyright for video files belongs to the Society.

    Article 14 (Release)

    The author’s submission is considered an agreement to the release of the manuscript to the reviewers for the purpose of review (from the date of submission until the review is complete).

    Article 15 (Publication Fee)

    The author of a selected paper should pay the following publication fee determined by the Board.
    Type Publication Fee
    Publication Fee
    Review Lead Time
    KRW 60,000
    KRW 80,000
    3-4 weeks
    KRW 30,000
    KRW 50,000
    6-7 weeks
    KRW 30,000
    KRW 50,000
    6-7 weeks

    Article 16 (Reviewing Fee)

    The author is not required to pay a reviewing fee.

    Article 17 (Author Information)

    Upon submitting a paper, the submitter is required to submit a resume for the author following the format specified by the Society.

    Article 18 (Publication)

    Selected manuscripts are published in the order in which they are selected for publishing. This order can be changed at any time by the Board.

    Article 19 (Offprint)

    Offprints of papers published in the Journal are not provided by default. If the author wishes to receive offprints, this should be specified when submitting the final draft. Twenty (20) offprints will be provided free of charge. If more than twenty offprints are required, additional printing fees will be charged to the author at cost.

    Article 20 (Gender Innovation Policy)

    If the research is used for human subjects or to be applied to both men and women and if differences anticipated in use or applicability due to sex, gender, it should be explained how this was taken into account in the manuscript. If sex or gender characteristics were not integrated in the research, please justify why it is irrelevant or not considered.

    Article 21 (Supplementary Provision)

    Matters that are not explicitly covered by these regulations will be handled by the Editorial Board of the Society.

    Article 22 (Enforcement Date)

    These regulations are implemented as of March 12, 2021.

    Journal of Korea Robotics Society

    · Journal Abbreviation : ‘J. Korea Robot.Soc’
    · Frequency : Quarterly
    · DOI Prefix : 10.7746/jkros
    · ISSN : 1975-6291 (Print)
    · ISSN : 2287-3961 (Online)
    · Year of Launching : 2006
    · Publisher : Korea Robotics Society
    · Indexed/Tracked/Covered By :